for Addison County Sheriff

THANK YOU to everyone for a successful election and helping me become the next Sheriff of Addison County! Through your time, donations, space for yard signs and most importantly your VOTE, you all helped me win the election! See you in 2026!

Thank you! image
My name is Michael Elmore and I am seeking your vote to continue being the Sheriff of Addison County. I was born in Middlebury and have spent the majority of my life here in Addison County. I graduated from MUHS in 2012 and attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC where I earned a degree in Criminal Justice, graduating in 2016. While in college, I spent almost 4 years working as a security officer for the University, becoming a Master Patrolman (mid level supervisor). After graduation, I worked as a security guard at the Shelburne museum as well as a security guard through a contractor for various Federal buildings in the northern part of Vermont. In 2017, I married my college sweetheart, Rose, and we began living together in Addison. Shortly before we got married, I started my career in law enforcement after being hired by the Addison County Sheriff's Department. I attended the Level 2 (or "part time") police certification course in June of 2017, and continued my training over the next few months. In February of 2018, I attended the level 3 (or "full-time") 16-week certification course at the Police Academy in Pittsford. After rising through the ranks at the Department, I ran for Sheriff in 2022. I was successfully elected and was sworn in as Sheriff in February 2023. Since then I have worked hard to improve the Sheriff's Department to serve Addison County. Please consider reelecting me as Addison County Sheriff so I can continue to serve our great County.

Sheriff's Department Facebook

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Sheriff's Department Website

Explore who we are as a Department and where I've led us so far

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Vermont Sheriff's Association

View our Department and see what I am helping accomplish with other Sheriff's across the State

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Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - 2016

I graduated in 2016 from Bob Jones University after earning my 4-year degree

Level 3 (Full- Time) Academy - 2018

Graduated from the 105th Basic Training Class at the Vermont Police Academy. This 16 week course provides training to become a Level 3 certified officer in the State of Vermont.

Gaiotti Award 105th Basic Academy - 2018

During my training at the VT Police Academy I was awarded this as the recruit who demonstrated honesty, loyalty and enthusiasm for the law enforcement profession.

Law Enforcement Officer of the Year - 2020

Awarded by the American Legion in Middlebury as Addison County's Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

Sworn in as Sheriff of Addison County - 2023

Began my first term as Sheriff

National Sheriff's Institute - 2023

Attended the National Sheriff's Institute at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. It was a week- long course focused on leadership and helping new Sheriff's strengthen their Departments.

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Visit https://mvp.vermont.gov/ to check your voter registration, request a mail- in ballot if you haven't already received one, request a sample ballot, and more. Your vote is your voice, so make sure you take an opportunity to check your voter registration and cast your vote between now and November 3rd, 2026.

What my goals were during my 2022 campaign - and how they were fulfilled


As with every agency, the Sheriff's Department is understaffed and underfunded. To better serve the residents of Addison County, I want to be able to provide a staff that can do the job that is asked of us. This means providing a wage and other benefits that can better retain our staffing needs. Click "Stability" to learn more.


Partner with local agencies and organizations to provide the best service we can to as many people as possible. With a focus on community policing, we can keep our County safer and better supported. Click "Cooperation" to learn more.


Help people have a better understanding of who we are and what our role is in the community. With more education, the Sheriff's Department will be able to serve the community better and fit into our role. Click "Education" to learn more.

What I have done to help ACSD improve

Information and Education

I established a website and Facebook page for our Department to better share what who we are and what we do. Through this, we are able to educate the public on what our role is, times we need their help, and how we spend our time. It has allowed us to begin doing press releases for cases we work on, and t.here has been positive feedback on that. We have also been able to improve our efficiency through the use of online scheduling for appointments.

Local Departments

Having a strong relationship with the other Police Departments in Addison County is an important part of doing our jobs well. By partnering with the Middlebury PD, Bristol PD, Vergennes PD, and VSP, we are all able to be more effective. When I first took over as Sheriff, there was rebuilding that needed to happen between our agencies. Through the help of my Deputies, we have been able to improve our relationships and now work closely with our Law Enforcement partners as we work toward a common goal. Our Department began attending Chief's meetings again and we have joined in the County Highway Safety program through Vergennes PD. I plan to continue to build on these relationships and provide whatever support we can for these agencies.


We have slightly changed our appearance with our uniforms and our cruisers. As we continue to move forward, we have wanted to have a fresh face with what we are doing. Our new cruisers have different decals and lettering, and we will continue to phase out the old look. Our uniform colors have changed slightly, and we are working on creating a new patch as well.


When I took over as Sheriff, one of the things I knew that needed a major overhaul was our policies. These are meant to provide guidelines to Deputies about what my expectations are, and we only had a bare-bones outline to work from. I looked over policies from several other Departments from around the State and worked to develop policies for ACSD that would provide better guidelines for our employees.


In the Spring of 2023, I attended the National Sheriff's Institute at the FBI Academy. This helped provide me with a base to build on, and guide me toward providing better leadership at the Sheriff's Department. In the Fall of 2024, I will be attending a 10- week course called the National Academy hosted by the FBI in Quantico, VA. The focus will be on improving myself as a leader and helping to develop a better Department. Both of these courses were free of charge and have greatly helped me improve how I lead the Sheriff's Department.


When I first took over, the Sheriff's Department was about $40,000 in the red. It has been hard to overcome this obstacle, but with careful planning and restructuring, we been able to make the improvements that we needed to and still maintain a healthy bank account.

Body Cameras

While we already had a body camera program at the Sheriff's Department, the cameras were becoming outdated and unreliable. Through a $45,000 grant, I was able to secure new body cameras for our Department to ensure that we could continue to have accountability and review interactions between the public and our Deputies.


Like our body cameras, our portable radios had become outdated and unreliable. Through a grant, I was able to get new portable radios for our Department to use to help maintain officer safety and good communication with our Dispatchers.

Personnel and Cruisers

In addition to the staff that remained on when I was sworn in, I have been able to hire 5 new deputies since becoming Sheriff. Each Deputy is uniquely gifted, and I appreciate how they treat the people that they interact with. I have also been able to grow our fleet of cruisers, adding 3 brand new cars and 3 used vehicles since I took over. This has been challenging given our financial situation at the beginning, but we have been able to make it work.

Mental Health

A large part of policing today deals with people experiencing a mental health crisis. I am proud of the members of my team that deal with this so well. 2 of my Deputies are mental health instructors at the Vermont Police Academy as well as instructors for the Team 2 training that provides mental health instruction to EMS, Police, and Mental Health workers at the same time. I know the importance of making sure my staff is well trained in this area, and I will continue to support them in this area.


When I first took over, ACSD switched our dispatching from the Rutland CSD to the Middlebury PD. RCSD had provided a good service for us, but because of increased costs and financial strain on our end, we needed to find an alternative. Middlebury PD was able to provide us with the solution, and being able to have an Agency within the County dispatching for us has been very helpful. It has also allowed us to strengthen our relationship with Middlebury PD, and we continue to learn and grow as a Department because of that.


It is an important thing to always continue to learn and grow in this job. I have made sure that I send my Deputies to as much training as our time and budget allows for so that we can better serve our County. I recognize that as we improve ourselves, Addison County will improve too.


I have reestablished contracts with Addison, Ripton, and Leicester, and have signed a new contract with Vergennes PD to provide transports for arrestees. Because of how the Sheriff's Department is structured, these contracts allow us to be able to expand our operations and provide more support for police services within the County.

What I do at ACSD as Sheriff

Training Officer

After graduating from the Academy, I help train new Deputies that join our ranks. My job is to ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills that they need to do the best job they can.


As I can, I will help patrol the roads in the County, assisting with special details and contract patrols that we have.

Car Seat Technician

I am a certified car seat technician which means I provide help and support to parents and guardians with installing child safety seats. As needed, I inspect how the car seat is installed to ensure it can properly keep the child safe.

Death Investigator

In 2024, I attended 2 trainings to become a certified death investigator. I have worked closely with local departments to observe and continue to learn from their death investigations. Eventually, I hope to be an asset to our department and other agencies when responding to this critical incidents.


My biggest role is overseeing the Department and helping it run well. This includes maintaining good financial health, hiring and overseeing employees, maintaining and purchasing equipment, reviewing work done by Deputies, and helping Deputies develop themselves professionally and personally.

What I did at ACSD before becoming Sheriff 

Patrol Supervisor

In addition to patrolling the roads myself, I supervised the other deputies that were on the road in the towns that we have contracts with. I was also in charge of assigning deputies to highway safety details like "Click it or Ticket" and "Connect to Disconnect" that focus on safe driving.


Through a grant provided by Womensafe, I was assigned to help follow up on domestic violence investigations for the State's Attorney. This also included training in how to better interview people that have experienced trauma.


I assisted with making the schedule for the department, deciding when and where to send deputies. This also included providing deputies for details like road construction and traffic control for special events.

Office of Child Support

I was assigned to work under a contract for the Office of Child Support to locate people around the state to serve paperwork and make arrests

Additional Duties

On top of these regular duties, I also help out as needed at the Courthouse, with special details such as traffic control and security contracts, fingerprint people weekly for employment background checks, investigate trash complaints, and serve civil process paperwork. I also help the Sheriff ensure that the department functions to the best of its ability.



First and foremost my wife and best friend, but also my biggest supporter.


Junior Deputy

Joined our ranks in 2023. Loves to laugh.



She will never let you eat alone.



Guess that explains the wifi...

Julie Coons

Wife of Former Addison County Sheriff Jim Coons

I am writing in support of Michael Elmore in his candidacy for Addison County Sheriff. As spouse of a previous, long-term Sheriff, I have a very good understanding of what it takes to be successful in this role. Michael brings years of experience and a college degree in Law Enforcement to this work, in addition to a positive, professional attitude. He has strong family values and an unwavering work ethic. As Sheriff, Michael will be dedicated to serving the community with both technical and people skills. I strongly encourage you to cast your vote for Michael Elmore.

Jeanette Willey

Business Manager for Addison County Sheriff’s Department

Here we are at election time for a new Sheriff for Addison County. I have had the opportunity to watch Michael Elmore manage the entire Sheriff’s Department for several months now. When called upon, he slipped into that position flawlessly. Mike is a born leader. The deputies follow his lead and together they are a great team. Having worked for 3 of the last Sheriff’s in Addison, the qualities required for this job are prevalent in Mike. When you cast your vote on November 8, 2022 for Michael Elmore for Sheriff, you will have made the best choice. He will work for you, the residents of Addison County.

John Wetzel and Samantha Isenberger

Ripton Residents

We are writing to encourage you to vote for Michael Elmore for Sheriff. Not only because he is already functionally running day-to-day of the sheriff department, but also because of our direct experience with him the past year. To make a long story short, we had an issue that required police intervention, involving a mental health issue that compromised the safety of our family. While many deputies were helpful in our situation, Sgt. Elmore became our main contact. Throughout it all, he was considerate and honest in communication with us. He never left a phone call or email unanswered, and followed up when he said he would. In these days where there’s a gap in policing and mental health care in our system, Sgt. Elmore did not just say “sorry we cannot do anything about it.” Instead, he demonstrated patience, thoroughness, and determination to do what we had often taken for granted … to help us feel (and be) safe in our own home.

Dean George

Vermont State Police (Ret.)

I hope you will join me in supporting Michael Elmore for Addison County Sheriff in the upcoming Election. Michael grew up in Addison County and graduated from Middlebury Union High School, followed by continuing education at Bob Jones University where he earned his degree in Criminal Justice. Michael has always been focused on Law Enforcement as a career choice and has continued that goal by attending the Vermont Police Academy and serving in the Addison County Sheriff's Department for the past 5 years. Recently, Michael has taken on more responsibility by handling day-to-day activities of the Sheriff's Dept. and has been recognized for his dedication to serving the needs of the residents of Addison County and developing a cooperative relationship with the other Law Enforcement Departments in the County. He understands the importance of Modern Community Poling objectives and how best to manage the limited resources available to provide the best services possible for Addison County Residents.

Robert Wesley

Current Addison County Deputy Sheriff

There are two purposes to me writing this, the first is to offer my full support to Mike Elmore is his bid to become the next Sheriff of Addison County. The second is to shed some light on who Mike Elmore is as a person for those of you that might not be too familiar with him. - Mike is one of the most honest and genuine people I have ever met. I have never once seen Mike waiver from his values in anyway. - I’m sure you’ve heard the term “age is just a number” which is usually reserved for someone of my age (57) who always says they feel younger inside than their actual age. But in Mike’s case it works in the opposite direction. Mike is far beyond his age of 27 in professionalism, respect and leadership than his age might suggest. Although I have 30 years on Mike I have never once had an issue in taking direction from him. - One the most important lessons I’ve learned in law enforcement did not come from the Academy as great as they have been in preparing me for my job. It did not come from all the continuous education that is required. It came from riding with Mike one day on patrol when a call came over the radio about a missing 12 year old girl. We happen to have been in the town of the call and within 5 minutes located the girl sitting on the ground in the corner of a baseball dugout. Looking back now when I was standing over her in full uniform I must have looked scary to her. The first thing Mike did was sit down getting on her level introducing himself starting the conversation. Within 10 minutes she was reunited with her family. I remember driving away saying to myself “Thanks Mike you just taught me an important lesson and don’t even realize it”. - I’ve also have been roadside with Mike having to make an arrest on an individual with an outstanding warrant. I’ve been on numerous search warrants with Mike including one of our last taking 10 firearms off a convicted felon. I’ve seen Mike deal with an individual that needed a mental evaluation after smashing out the window of one of our vehicles. So not only does Mike have the compassion as shown with the lost girl he also has the grit to quite frankly get the job done no matter the situation. - Lastly, I want to say how proud I am to be working with Mike, proud to see the growth he has shown. Yes, Mike is my boss, perhaps having some people believe is the reason for this letter. But the truth is I not only think of Mike as my boss but even more importantly a friend. As a friend I want to see him succeed and excel at his new venture. - So, when you go to the polls in August please vote for Mike Elmore as your next Sheriff of Addison County, you can be proud doing so.

CJ Campbell

Vermont State Police (Ret.)

I am writing this letter to voice my unwavering support for Mike Elmore in the upcoming race for Addison County Sheriff. I am a retired Trooper and have worked in and around Law Enforcement for more than a quarter century. In that time, I have had the great honor to work with men and women who possessed great commitment to serving their communities and displayed the highest of moral integrity. In my experience none have shown greater dedication to these ideals than Mike Elmore. The experience Mike has gained by taking on greater and greater responsibilities within the Sheriff’s Department will allow him to hit the ground running and allow service to the various towns and citizens of Addison County to continue without interruption. As the only police officer running for the position, Mike is uniquely situated to understand the needs of the community, the welfare of the Department, and the best way forward to work in partnership with other community organizations. The quiet and steady leadership Mike has shown in hard times speaks to his ability to problem solve and overcome obstacles, but just as important is the same type of leadership he shows when times are not so hard. It is the same quiet and steady approach, a commitment to doing the right thing tempered by compassion and kindness that assures me he is the right man for the job. I have no doubt that as Sheriff Mike Elmore will serve the citizens of Addison County, work daily to keep them safe, be a strong partner to and leader within the community, and an example of decency, values, and compassion we can all be proud of. Please join me is supporting Mike Elmore for Addison County Sheriff.

General Election - November 3rd, 2026 (Close of poles - 7pm)

Thanks for Voting!

Yard Sign

Available now!

Available for free of charge to anyone that would like one. Please reach out if you would like to display a sign on your lawn. I will collect them back after the election.


If you would like to contribute toward my campaign, please click the blue "Donate" button in the right hand corner if you're on a desktop or from the drop down menu in the upper left if you're on mobile. Thank you!

Place your vote in November

Please consider voting for me in the General Election in November. Thank you!

New nonprofit helps pet owners in need

New nonprofit helps pet owners in need


Addison County Animal Advocates, or ACAA, is made up of volunteers with various animal and rescue experience, from behavior experts to animal control officers. The team is partnering with the Addison County Sheriff’s Department to promote animal welfare by investigating nonemergency concerns and providing support when the situation demands it.

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Addison County cops dismayed by local prosecutor’s disparaging email

Addison County cops dismayed by local prosecutor’s disparaging email


The relationship between Addison County’s prosecutor and law enforcement has gone from bad to worse in the course of two weeks. It began with DUI-refusal charges against Eva Vekos last Thursday after police said she got behind the wheel after drinking. Now, a disparaging email chain between Vekos and law enforcement is calling into question the state’s attorney’s relationship with local police.

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Who will answer the call? Smaller agencies work to handle dispatch dilemmas

Who will answer the call? Smaller agencies work to handle dispatch dilemmas


Rising costs and staffing shortages have been detrimental to emergency dispatchers around the state. Smaller departments and those without in-house dispatchers are feeling the impacts the most. Now, a new partnership is changing the way some calls are answered. In Addison County, the sheriff’s office is exploring its options.

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County Officials Take Oaths of Office

County Officials Take Oaths of Office


Assistant Judge Ross swore in Sheriff Michael Elmore, after which Sheriff Elmore gave the oath of office to all his deputy sheriffs.

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Michael Elmore tapped to move up to sheriff’s post


Elmore won 8,177 (44.45%) of the 18,396 votes cast, prevailing over fellow candidates Gerald Grant of Addison and Mark Stacey of Leicester. Grant received 3,807 (20.69%) of the votes and Stacey won 3,105 votes (16.88%)

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Angelo Lynn Endorsement


We’ll cast a vote for the consistency Elmore would provide the department if elected, and his ardent endorsements from George and Willey.

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GOP taps Michael Elmore for Sheriff

GOP taps Michael Elmore for Sheriff


ADDISON COUNTY — Addison’s Michael Elmore easily prevailed over Ron Holmes of Middlebury, 1,199 to 646, in Tuesday’s Republican primary for Addison County sheriff. Elmore will now advance to the Nov. 8 General Election...

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Interview with Esther Charlestin

Interview with Esther Charlestin


Host Esther Charlestin speaks with Michael Elmore, candidate for Addison County Sheriff. Recorded 7/21/22

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Please reach out if you have any questions!

  • PO Box 220 Vergennes, VT 05491, USA